Justinia ex Mercere

Female, 43; Ungifted Redcap working in Stonehenge.

Int Per Str Sta Pre Com Dex Qik
+3 +0 -3 +1 +1 +2 +0 -1

Virtues and Flaws

Redcap, Well travelled.

Virtues: Puissant (Magic Theory), Puissant (Artes Liberales)



Languages: English 5; Latin 5; French 3; Welsh 2; Scottish 2; Gaelic 1; Irish 3

Knowledges: Stonehenge lore (covenants) 5; Hibernia lore (covenants) 3; Loch Leglean lore (covenants) 3; Artes Liberales (debating) 3; Civil and Canon Law 2 (women); Common Law (nobility) 2; Philosophiae (debating) 3; Theology (debating) 3; Hermes lore (magi) 5

Arcane: Code of Hermes (redcaps) 2; Magic Theory (debating) 5

Physical: Athletics 1; Awareness 2; Bargain 2; Survival 1

Social: Charm (nobles) 2; Folk lore (men) 2; Intrigue (Order of Hermes) 3; Etiquette (Order of Hermes) 4;


Justinia has an enchanted necklace.