Adric ex Bonisagus

Male, 42 (Born 1187); Mage.

Int Per Str Sta Pre Com Dex Qik
+4 +0 -1 +0 -2 -3 +1 -2

Adric is a quiet introvert, who spends most of his time in his lab. He is in contact with many magi in the order though, and relies heavily on the redcaps to transport his letters.

Virtues and Flaws

Hermetic Magus, The Gift

Virtues: Affinity with Intellego +1; Adept laboratory student +1; Book learner +1; Clear thinker +1; Enduring magic +1; Flexible formulaic magic +3; Good teacher +1 Hermetic prestige +1

Flaws: Chaotic Magic -3; Clumsy magic -1; Deficient form (Ignem) -1; Difficult spontaneous magic -1; Indiscreet -3; Reclusive -1

Introvert +3, Studious +3

House acclaim: 3


Languages: English 5; Latin 5; Greek 3; Arabic 2; Hebrew 1; French 1

Alphabets: Latin, Greek, Arabic

Knowledges: England (Vis sources) 3;

Hermetic: Magic Theory (breakthroughs) 6; Parma Magica 3; Finesse 1;

Academic: Artes Liberales (Maths) 3; Philosophae 2; Order of Hermes Lore (Magi) 3; Magic Lore (regiones) 3

Social: Etiquette (writing) 2; Charm (writing) 1; Guile (writing) 1


Creo 10 Animal 3 Ignem 0
Intellego 16 Aquam 4 Imagonem 9
Muto 4 Auram 7 Mentem 14
Perdo 2 Corpus 11 Terram 3
Rego 4 Herbam 0 Vim 7
