
Male 35 (1190); Shield grog of Cruentis Petram

Int Per Str Sta Pre Com Dex Qik
-1 +0 +1 +2 0 -2 +2 +2

David is another shield grog, with a bit more experience than Michael. He also does what Drogo tells him to do. He carries a sword and a bow.

Virtues and Flaws


Virtues: Warrior

Flaws: Weakness


Languages: English (swearing) 5; Latin (Magi) 3; Gaelic (lowlands) 1

Knowledges: England (Yorkshire) 3;

Physical: Athletics (running) 4; Awareness (guard duty) 4; Stealth (in armour) 2; Ride (Combat) 2; Hunt (winter) 3; Survival (winter) 3

Social: Guile (superiors) 3; Folk ken (civilians) 3; Charm (women) 1; Carouse (drinking) 2;

Combat: Brawl (wrestling) 5; Single weapon (long sword) 6; Longbow (strength) 5


Soak: +2 (+11)


Long sword + shield Longbow
Initiative +11 +5
Attack +13 +11
Defence +13 -
Damage +7 +9
Range - 30