
Male 47; Shield grog of Cruentis Petram

Int Per Str Sta Pre Com Dex Qik
+0 +2 +3 +2 +1 -1 +2 +1

Virtues and Flaws

Virtues: Custos, Tough, Warrior

Flaws: Pessimistic, Weakness (drinking), Social handicap


Languages: English 5; Latin 4

Knowledges: England (Castles) 4; Faerie lore 2

Physical: Athletics 3; Awareness 5; Stealth 3; Survival 2; Ride (in combat) 4

Social: Guile (Magi) 3; Folk ken (peasants) 3

Combat: Brawl (when drunk) 7; Single weapon (long sword) 9; Bows 2; Thrown weapon (spear) 4;


Soak: +5 (+14)