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The nations of the Islands Cluster were colonized roughly a thousand years ago by an ESA mission launched during the mid 21st century. There were three colony ships, and after centuries of STL flight, they colonised the First Three worlds of New Home (British and Scandinavian), Amondiage (French) and Neubayern (German). Other worlds in the cluster were part of a second wave of colonisation.


The Amondiage system itself is one of the First Three, colonised by central European settlers. It is now one of the main powers in the Islands, a strictly controlled military Dictatorship with a strong sense of patriotism.

Though Ganglic is generally understood, a lot of people here insist on using their local language.


Neubayern is one of the original colonies, and still has a strong German culture. The nation is ruled by an elite group of of oligarchs that act almost like royalty.

It has a small but well trained navy, and is infamous locally for its highly extensive spy network within the cluster.

Serendip Belt

Intent upon regaining its position of dominance. In alliance with Joyeuse and Sansterre.


The Kingdom of Esperanza is ruled by King Phillip, the latest in a line of royal monarchs who have claimed dominance through birthright. There is a Parliament, but it is currently weak, and dominated by both the King and his younger sister Admiral Isabella, who controls the Kingdom's navy.

There is some unrest, and the government is using this as an excuse to bring in more laws to control the populace.


Seeking allies against Joyeuse.


Heavily militarised and actively hostile.


This system is a democracy, and tends to be liberal compared to the other nations.

islandsintherift/gazetteer.1589731562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/17 16:06 by sam