Space Stations
An overview of the types of space stations common in Known Space. Where the space station has an affect on the space port classification (A - E), this is listed. Some of the smaller stations have no noticeable affect.
TL 7
Space Module (-)
Similar to Salyut or Skylab, consists of a simple cylinder or box which acts as the living quarters. Will have a single docking port, solar panels and possible other simple accessories. Such stations are generally impractical for use as anything other than a show of capability, or for simple science experiments.
TL 8
Modular Station (-)
Similar to Mir or the ISS, consists of several modules connected together into a larger structure. Rarely large enough to support more than a dozen people, can be used for science experiments or as a monitoring station.
In some cases, it may be extended to act as a relay station, being able to store fuel and/or food supplies for ships to refuel before heading out of orbit.
TL 9
Orbital Gateway (C)
Similar in style to a Modular Station, though much larger. Such stations are built when a planet has regular manned travel from surface to beyond orbit. A Gateway station is an orbital relay point where crew can be transferred between surface to orbit vessels and orbit to interplanetary vessels.
An Orbital Gateway generally comfortably supports several dozen people at a time, and can dock several vessels at once.
Space Wheel (-)
Larger than an Orbital Gateway, such stations are spun to induce artificial gravity. This requires them to be quite large, with the bulk of the volume in the wheel itself. The wheel is connected to a central hub which does not spin, in order to allow ships to dock.
Space Wheels are actual civilian habitats, where people can properly live rather than just work. They are often taken as a sign that a civilisation is beginning the move to permanent space habitation.