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blog:20170226_pathfinder_factions [2017/02/26 14:09] samblog:20170226_pathfinder_factions [2017/02/26 14:12] (current) sam
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 There are also other differences between the factions. Some pay more than others for jobs, or are more (or less) likely to tell the whole truth about quests. //The Streets// can't afford to pay much, since it's requests for aid from the common folk, but their needs are generally simple and relatively safe, and having a good reputation with the townsfolk is always useful. //Serpent's Run// may be more interested in characters going out and capturing dangerous monsters for them to use in the arena, but only pay on success. There are also other differences between the factions. Some pay more than others for jobs, or are more (or less) likely to tell the whole truth about quests. //The Streets// can't afford to pay much, since it's requests for aid from the common folk, but their needs are generally simple and relatively safe, and having a good reputation with the townsfolk is always useful. //Serpent's Run// may be more interested in characters going out and capturing dangerous monsters for them to use in the arena, but only pay on success.
-It's basically a mechanical bonus to supplement the role playing side of interactions between the characters and the environment they're in, and give as GM a framework to try and provide some consistency in what the NPC factions are doing.+It's basically a mechanical bonus to supplement the role playing side of interactions between the characters and the environment they're in, and give me as GM a framework to try and provide some consistency in what the NPC factions are doing.
blog/20170226_pathfinder_factions.1488118186.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/26 14:09 by sam