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Hestmark Highlands

The Hestmark Highlands are a region of dry hills and plateaus east of the County of Sunndi, on the coast of the Aerdi Sea. It is mostly populated with dwarves and gnomes, though the recent upheavals have led to the expansion of goblinoids into the region.

The main city of the area is Dullstrand.



A Former province of the Great Kingdom that has recently declared independence. Has a high tolerance of all the human and demi-human races. It would like to bring The Dullstrand under its control though.

The Scarlet Brotherhood

They have recently claimed a lot of land to the south west, and seek to dominate the region.

The Great Kingdom

To the north, the remnants of the Great Kingdom seek their own domination of the region, and many of the recent goblinoid incursions are due to them.


The party has finished clearing out a group of Goblins and Hobgoblins who had taken over the ruins of an ancient Suloise temple. The temple has had many occupiers, from the original Suloise, their elven slaves and also a Beholder Cult worshipping Beltar the goddess of malice.

They are now on their way to find out what has happened to a monastery of Pelor further west.


Included here are some of the maps from the Roll20 campaign. These are the base maps, without the various bits of dungeon dressing added within Roll20, so in some cases stairs, tables, altars and floor markings may be missing.

Suloise Temple

An investigation into a goblin lair resulted in a discovery that it was built on top of an ancient Suloise temple filled with undead, including a demi-lich (which was left well alone).


The following maps are each standalone. The first is of a small village, the second of a Bugbear camp and the third was a stronghold for a group of devil worshippers. Each map is 4200x3150px (60×45 squares) in size.

hestmark/index.1411333304.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/21 21:01 by sam