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The Hordes

The Gozniblers

Warlord Goznibler, Mounted Beast Points 8

'King' Goznibler is a goblin chieftain with delusions of grandeur. After the collapse of the Horned Society, he saw an opportunity, and being brighter than your average goblin, decided to take advantage of it. He and his boys stole some dog hounds from the hobgoblins and headed off to make their own fortune. Exactly what they'll do with it when they get it they aren't sure. But Goznibler told them it was a good idea.

Goznibler is always accompanied by his 'pet' Snazz, who he rides as a mount. Nobody is quite sure what Snazz is, but seems to be some form of fell hound. Goznibler has a habit of riding him into the thick of combat, then leaping from his back and fighting on foot side by side with Snazz.

Unit Size Dice Unit Description
Goznibler 1 1 Warlord, Goznibler, mounted on beast
Bozz 1 1 Lietenant
Hearty Boys x2 4 1 Hearthguards (Armoured Goblins)
Young'uns x2 8 1 Warriors (Mountain Goblins)
Sneakers 8 1 Warriors (Night Goblins)
Doggies 4 1 Quadruped creatures
saga/magic/hordes.1710282132.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/12 22:22 by sam