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British Armed Forces

This is an attempt to provide statistics for British armed forces of the early 21st century. It may include older vehicles are still in service - either in the British forces or elsewhere.

All knowledge comes from Wikipedia, so take with a grain of salt.

The Challenger is fitted with 'Composite' armour, which has all the benefits of reactive armour, plus can be one level higher than the size class. This is to reflect the general good resilience of Western tanks. I was also thinking of allowing the first non-numerical chit to be ignored in an attack, not sure if that is overdoing it. Possibly my sources are biased in favour of these tanks.

Main tank guns are HVC. If DU ammo is used, should there be a modifier, or is that too much detail?

dirtside/british/index.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/23 14:35 by sam