Small Body Group

Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech

Includes asteroids, planetesimals, comets and other objects smaller than a planet. They are generally not recorded on scout surveys, unless they are of particular strategic note.

The typical size for a member of this group is 10km - 30km radius, though particular types can vary (the more metallic bodies have a tendency to be smaller).

Anything with a radius more than about 400km is generally considered to be a member of the Dwarf Terrestrial Group.

Vulcanoidal Class

Asteroidal Class

These are the archetypical asteroids, small and irregular bodies which are often found in specific belts or fields within a solar system, although they may also be found in eccentric solar orbits.

Cometary Class

Bodies with an ice content in excess of 50%, and which can be in orbits which carry them relatively close to their sun, causing volatile depletion and outgassing. Those that remain in stable orbits far from the star are considered passive, whilst those whose orbits taken them into the inner system are active.

Passive Type

These are Cometary bodies which remain in distant stellar orbits, or are in the slow process of having their orbits transformed into those which will take them close to the stellar primary.

Active Type

These are Cometary bodies which are in orbits that take them fairly close to their stellar primary, resulting in volatile loss. These are the classical comets.

Damocloid Type