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Oort Clouds

How close to a comet?

2d6 Distance
0 2d6 x 1Mkm
1 2d6 x 3Mkm
2 2d6 x 10Mkm
3 2d6 x 30Mkm
4 2d6 x 50Mkm
5 2d6 x 75Mkm
6 2d6 AU
7 2d6 AU
8 2d6 AU
9 3d6 AU
10 3d6 AU
11 4d6 AU
12 5d6 AU
13 6d6 AU
14 7d6 AU
15+ 8d6 AU

If in the outer cloud, add +2 to the roll.

For type VI stars, there is a -2, for type III stars +1, type II stars +2 and type I stars +3.

Size of the comet

2d6 Tons of Fuel (x2d6)
0 10
1 30
2 100
3 300
4 1,000
5 3,000
6 5,000
7 10,000
8 15,000
9 20,000
10 30,000
11 50,000
12 100,000

Comets in the outer cloud have a -2 to the roll, since they are likely to be smaller.

traveller/goldenage/oort_clouds.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/15 17:42 by sam