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Topas 1522

Topas is simply described as a single radioactive desert, where people shelter in the ruins of war torn subterranean cities. The atmosphere is too thin to breathe, and water is almost non-existent. The cities are ruled by a single huge bureaucracy that stifles free enterprise, and strictly controls the distribution of power, air, water and food.

Eu Arean world, 6,400km diameter, 36% Gravity, 190Mkm orbit (V), Very Thin (20%) Tainted atmosphere, Desert

Topas has a single rocky moon, 150km in diameter.

Port/TL: D/7
Population: 300 million Government: Impersonal Bureaucracy
Law Level: 9 (No weapons outside the home)

Topas is a dry, almost airless world that is geologically active. There are even signs of massive geological activity about ten million years ago which resurfaced a region over a 1,000km across. The atmosphere is too thin to breathe and filled with radioactive dust (though, at least in the low lands, a pressure suit is not needed), and the general surface radiation level is around 30mSv/month, though it spikes to much higher levels in some areas.

There are very thin ice caps at the poles, though it mostly consists of carbon dioxide ice so is not suitable as starship fuel.

About 800 years ago, the settlers of Topas were involved in a civil war that resulted in the heavy use of nuclear weapons, and wiped out over three quarters of the population. Many survivors left the world aboard the generation ship Voyageur and went on to settle Zuflucht, but those that stayed vowed to rebuild their cities.

Several organisations were setup to manage the rebuilding, and over the course of the next few centuries they morphed into a massive bureaucracy which effectively governs the world today with an iron fist.

The world has a population of just over 300 million, most of whom live in sealed cities built into craters or constructed underground. The largest city, also the starport, is Oberton, with a population of 17 million. There are six other cities with similar populations, and all of them are sprawling subterranean affairs where most people never see the light of day. The wealthy, or lucky, get to live on or near the surface, but the view from there isn't much better.

The other major cities are Odonwell, Tuport, Trixvale, Alpha, Plinmont and Fumont.


Air and Water

A corporation which has a monopoly on the distribution of air, water and power across the planet.


The Topas Police Commission provides security services for the Bureaucracy, often acting as judge, jury and executioner when needed. They are generally hated and feared, especially by the less well off. However, they are rarely seen by visitors since they stay away from the main starport.

Starport Commission

The Starport Commission runs the starport at Oberton, and also handles off-world trade, including the arrangement with the 'pirates' at Hybris.

This is a small world with dry deserts, high radioactivity and almost no atmosphere, the few cities are sealed subterranean affairs. There are very thin ice caps at the poles, though it is mostly carbon dioxide ice so not suitable for starship fuel.

Fuel is shipped in from the gas giant world of Hybris. Access to the fuel is tightly controlled by armed bands of not-quite-pirates. They leave alone anyone obviously heavily armed or escorted, but otherwise don't think twice about boarding anyone who tries to refuel there.

Officially, they have a license from Topas government to control access to the hydrogen, in return for providing Topas with Hydrogen and water.

The other worlds in the system are dry, mostly waterless worlds.

The government controls access to incoming and outgoing trade, making sure it is suitably distributed to where it is needed. This has come about through levels of bureaucracy rather than due to any specific adherence to ideology. Due to corruption and incompetence, critical supplies don't always get to where they are needed in suitable amounts.



  • Common Consumables
  • Common Industrial Goods
  • Advanced Machine Parts
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Robots


  • Radioactives
  • Uncommon Ore
  • Crystals and Gems


F7 V star.

  1. I - 48Mkm - Phaetonic
  2. II - 57Mkm - Hermian
  3. III - 85Mkm - Hermian
  4. IV - 110Mkm - Cytherean
  5. V - 190Mkm - EuArean - D
  6. VI - 320Mkm - Selenian
  7. VII - 1980Mkm - “Hybris” - Saturnian
  8. VIII - 3,700Mkm - Nebulous - giant rocky world (10xEM, 24,000km diameter, 2.7g) with nitrogen atmosphere 150bar
  9. IX - 4,800Mkm -EuTartarian - Methane and carbon terrestrial world
  10. X - 6,500Mkm - Stygian
  11. XI - 8,000Mkm - Stygian

There are 'pirates' around Hybris, and sometimes some in the outer system. A fast ship may be able to get to an outer planet, refuel and take off being being caught, but other ships leave it up to the whim of those who control access to hydrogen.


Galvos Toberra

An artist who lives out in the ruins about a day's drive from the starport. He makes exquisite animal statuettes from the volcanic glass that is commonly available on Topas.

He uses the money to keep a commune of friends and family protected and fed.

traveller/goldenage/systems/reft/topas.1605554387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/16 19:19 by sam