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Roll20 Scripts

Pathfinder character sheets will be used in Roll20.

Token Bars

The three value bars are used as follows:

  • Green: Hitpoints. Goes down as a token takes damage.
  • Red: Nonlethal damage. Goes up as a token takes damage.
  • Blue: No specific use, always set to zero.


I have a number of API Scripts that the campaign will make use of in order to simplify some things. Some of these are designed with blind players in mind (so provide text output, or allow text commands without needing to select anything).


Provides a number of utilities for handling combat related tasks.


Automatically updates tokens as they receive damage, and outputs their status to the chat window. Hitpoint bars for NPCs are hidden from players, but an orange (brown) marker is placed on a token when they have taken one third damage, and a red marker when they have taken two thirds damage.

A skull marker is added when they are on negative hitpoints, and the token is crossed out once they are dead. Making Constitution checks when on negative hitpoints is done automatically.

A green status marker means that the token has stabilised.

The following API commands can be used from the chat window. Generally, if no tokens are selected and the player if not a GM, then the command is run against all the tokens that belong to a character that belongs to the player.

  • !pfdmg - Does specified damage to all selected tokens, or to the player's own tokens if none are selected. A second parameter can apply nonlethal damage.
  • !pfheal - Completely heals all selected tokens, or the player's own tokens if none are selected. Also removes any negative status effects.
  • !pfstabilise - Makes a stabilisation check for the selected tokens. Works out the difficulty, makes the roll, does damage and kills/stabilises the token as necessary. Designed for NPCs.
  • !pfstatus - Outputs current hitpoint status of selected tokens.
  • !pfinit - Makes an initiative roll for the selected tokens, and adds them to the initiative tracker. Adds the full dexterity of the character as 1/100th bonus for breaking ties.
  • !pfsaves - Makes a saving throw roll for the selected tokens. Can specify Fort, Will or Ref. Can also specify the DC, damage and half damage and also status effects on failure.


Saving Throws

This macro is used to display saving throws for a character. All three saves are rolled simultaneously, which allows one button for everything.

  • Anything put into the 'max' field of Fort, Ref and Will atrributes will be displayed on that line. For example, if you have '+2 v poison', put that in the Fort|max attribute. You can't do this in the character sheet, it has to be manually updated in the attribute list.
  • Anything in the 'Save Notes' field on the character sheet is output at the end. This is another option for specific bonuses.
&{template:pf_defense} {{header_image=@{selected|header_image-pf_defense}}} {{color=@{selected|rolltemplate_color} }} @{selected|toggle_rounded_flag} @{selected|toggle_accessible_flag} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=Saving Throws}} {{**Fortitude**=@{selected|fort|max} [[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|fort} ]] ]]}} {{**Reflex**=@{selected|Ref|max} [[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|ref} ]] ]]}} {{**Will**= @{selected|will|max} [[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|will} ]] ]]}}} {{@{selected|Save-notes}}}
magnimar/roll20.1482601825.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/24 17:50 by sam