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A selection of Traveller characters rolled with the Mongoose 2nd Edition rules, started as part of the character a day challenge. They're probably going to be used as potential NPCs in my campaigns.

  • Rolling stats 2d6 in order, so there's a big range of character competence.
  • All other results taken as rolled.
  • I'm using some of the pre-career options and careers from the Traveller Companion
  • I'm also using the career event tables from the D66 Compendium 2, just to spice things up.
  • Using the Aliens of Chartered Space supplements for non-humans.
  • I'm using for the portraits, which is great for humans, less so for non-humans.
D66 Characters
11 Akurla Akhar, Discredited journalist looking for people to sponge off.
12 Count Balir Biiguush Balhaka, noble playboy turned politician looking for a cause.
13 Clara Colbear, scavenger and owner of a ship looking for a crew.
14 Captain Dikiishgu Duzik, engineering officer of the Imperium navy.
15 Everilda Erato, confidence trickster looking for men willing to pay for her lifestyle.
16 Fernando Fabian, a lifetime thief who is trying to leave his past behind him.
21 Dr Grace Gardner, a medical doctor with a lab ship and a desire for exploration.
22 Htoalhfua, Aslan outcast, outlaw and drifter now trying to get away from his people in the Trojan Reach.
23 Ishza Irulash, a journalist who does a well known holovid series on crime and other dark sides of Imperium society.
24 Jacob Jacob, a scout who grew up on a low tech world and has spent most of his years exploring the Trojan Reach.
25 Kathy Kiggisu, a fixer who does a little bit of everything, and has her own Free Trader.
26 Lusi Ludadagini, a noble brat who was drafted into the army and forced into the horrors of war. Unfortunately he hasn't learned to care about anyone other than himself.
31 Michelle Mandeville, a Truther who claims that the Imperium is a lie. She tours the Island Cluster with a worryingly large following.
32 Nigel Nikateema, an artist, one of the most famous in the Islands, known for his stark city scapes and neon nightlife.
33 Okhegn, a Vargr that was always the pack runt. She is weak and still hurts from injuries suffered in her youth, but she is determined.
34 Paul Peterson, a young ex-Cop who grew disillusioned with the force after almost being killed. He now exists on the edge of legal society.
35 Quilla Quartermaine, works as an enforcer for a criminal gang on Colchis. Has both law enforcement and military backgrounds.
36 Ronald Reed, is part of the crew of the ship Electric Crew, ferrying passengers around the Islands in comfort. Just don't look too deeply at his past.
41 Samzam Shalaja, is a famous singer known for her scandalous outfits and lack of skill. What most people don't realise is that most of her shows have a hidden agenda.
42 Tony Turner, an ex-scout missing a whole chunk of his memory. Turned to the corporate world and is now a computer expert.
43 Ushle Ujarii, A telepath, who had spent most of her adult life surviving on the streets and starports of the Trojan Reach.
44 Valkentana Vidar, a drifter who originally came from a rich family and can sometimes still play that role. Most of the time he's struggling to survive on the streets though.
45 Willa Weber, worked in corporate intelligence for an arms manufacturer until she got caught up in a dodgy arms deal gone wrong. After her body was regrown, she has gone independent.
46 Xander Xenakis, a psychopath that found himself in a management position at Ling-Standard Products, where we made lots of enemies. Has a gambling problem, as well as breathing difficulties.
traveller/goldenage/characters/index.1611488301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/24 11:38 by sam