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Roleplaying and Wargaming

Glendale is an old website about gaming. It may contain other things as well, but it's mostly related to gaming in some way. By gaming, I mean the tabletop variety - roleplaying games, wargames and sometimes boardgames. I play computer games, but I don't talk about them much (unless I'm writing them). Since some of the content here dates back to 1996 (when the address was different), it can vary greatly in style.

Most of the content on here is entirely original. Some of it is based on material published by other people - e.g., game content for published RPGs or Wargames.

Original Content

The following content consists of both original rules and settings, not being based on anything published elsewhere. It is all released under Free licenses of one form or another.

Roleplaying Systems

The following games are homebrewed RPG systems that have been written over the last fifteen years. They are all Free content.

Yags - This is a game system I have been working on for about ten years, and using it on and off. Currently, it is optimised for the Habisfern fantasy campaign.

Myths - An old system of mine, started around 1991 or so, and used until 1995.

Campaign Settings

Habisfern - A campaign world which was designed along with Yags, so fits that game system pretty well. A fantasy setting, without a multitude of character races.

The Land of Kythe - Originally an AD&D setting that was converted to my own system some years later. It was in use from about 1989 to 1995.

Mortals - A science fiction setting in the far future, where humanity has taken control of its destiny and has colonised the stars.

The One Time - A universe spanning network of wormholes linked together by relativity and time dilation into a single time spanning billions of years. For humanity though, there is no future.

The Midnight Saga - An Ars Magica saga set in Mythic Europe. This campaign is currently active.

Other Games

The following content is for campaigns based around published settings, or additions to existing game systems.

Campaign Settings


Harn - My conversion of Harnworld to use Yags, together with some campaign notes.

Ars Magica - Various campaigns, both in the standard Mythic Europe setting, and on other worlds.

Science Fiction

Traveller - My attempts to get Traveller into Celestia.

GURPS - Some house rules for a GURPS science fiction campaign I ran many years ago.

Full Thrust - Some material on the Full Thrust wargame, in particular for the Neu Swabian League.

Dirtside - Some material on the Dirtside II wargame.

Stargrunt - Some material on the Stargrunt II wargame.

Miscellaneous Resources

Character Sheets - Various character sheets for different game systems. All available in PDF format.

War Gaming - A few simple photographs of some models.

Campaign Chronicles - Journals of some roleplaying games that I've played in.

d20 Resources - Some d20 resources, including counters I used for an Against the Giants campaign.


index.1355093529.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/12/09 22:52 by sam